I feel hungry quite often.. But when I go to actually eat it feels like a CHORE! The first bite I put in my mouth makes me feel like I have just finished a steak dinner! I have been having nausea but the Zofran is helping.. and this isnt even nausea... Hard to explain! Anyone else having these issues? I know I need to be eating and I am trying to eat healthy choices on the little I am eating.. I just can't seem to have an actual appetite for anything! Grrrrrr...!!
Re: Hungry but no appetite??
With DS the ms eventually got better but the chore of eating stuck around the whole time. I'm hoping that changes this time! Sorry you're dealing with this! I can't even read the WFD or WFL threads bc reading about food makes me feel worse!
i should def try this. i had a bowl of fruit bits, the kind you use in smoothies, and i couldn't get enough which is weird cuz the past two weeks i just don't want to eat anything.
like i'll make something but as soon as i'm 5 or so bites in, i never wanna see it or eat it again.