Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Sleep fighter!

My 11 month old started a sleep regression probably a month ago that still has not ended. Apparently she was going through a developmental leap, learning to crawl pull up/stand up in her crib, getting top teeth and separation anxiety started. So she is done teething and through her developmental stage etc but still fights sleep like crazy! She has never been great with this to begin with but between 69 months we got her to start napping in her crib and it usually goes well. I nurse/rock her to sleep for naps and bedtime, but as she gets older the more awake she is. So I lay her down and let her fuss it out. But the last month she will play, stand up, fuss and cry for at least an hr before she finally falls asleep. It completely ruins the schedule and then she will sleep for less than an hour which is too little for her. She is still taking 2 naps which she's needs or she is fussy. I've tried moving the naps forward and back nothing really matters. If I don't want her crying for an hr I will put her in the swing and she sleeps great! But she is getting too big for that and who else's 1 yr olds still take swing naps?? This morning she woke up as soon as I layed her down so instead of fighting her for an hr I put her in her swing bc we need to go somewhere. Well she's in there not asleep! Ugh I'm so frustrated! She has got a little better at bedtime, still fusses/plays but not as long. Sleeps through the night but wakes up an hour earlier than normal every morning? She will go back to sleep in my bed though. Is this just a phase??

Re: Sleep fighter!

  • Updateshe's finally asleep in the swing!
  • We're going through something similar. I hope it is just a phase! We put DD"s swing away a couple months ago - maybe 7 months? I can't remember exactly. DD naps on demand but I try to get her to bed at a consistent time. She STTN mostly. But bedtime is becoming an all out cry fest!
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