1st Trimester

Dates way off due to breastfeeding

Hi all I'am currently expecting my 2nd baby and based off of my lmp I should e around 9w3d. However when I went to my u/s this morning I'm only measuring between 56 weeks. They could see a yolk sak and a very small fetus, also what appeared to be a tiny flicker, but the tech said she couldn't say for sure if it was a heartbeat. The tricky thing is, is that I'm still breastfeeding my dd so they said there is a chance my cycle is still not normal so I could have just ovulated late. I go back in 2 weeks for another u/s, I'm just worrying myself crazy

Re: Dates way off due to breastfeeding

  • When did you get a positive pregnancy test? If it was any sooner than 2-3 weeks ago (especially if it was 4 weeks or more) than that is probably a bad sign...if it was later on, then it's very possible that you just ovulated late. Especially if your cycles were irregular already due to breastfeeding. It is pretty unusual (but again, possible) for it to be off by that much though. If your last LMP was 9w3d ago, then that would mean you ovulated somewhere between CD 24 and CD 31. Somewhat rare, but not unheard of. Try to rest and not to worry too much (I know, easier said than done). The "flicker" is a good sign. Good luck! I hope you get good news soon!
    Suprise BFP: 8/17/11 (previous relationship)
    Natural m/c: 10/17/11
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Me (Katie)
    DH (Adam
    Married 10/11/12
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    TTC #1 since 3/12
  • Thanks ladies. My daughter is only just 7 months so I know my cycle isn't back to normal yet, however it just seems like a very large time difference. It did take me 2 weeks after my period was supposed to start to get a positive, so it has only been 3 weeks. Trying to stay cautiously hopeful.
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