How do you manage going to the bathroom when you're in public??
This is kind of becoming an issue as I'm pregnant again and can't seem to make it 30 minutes without having to rush to the ladies room. :-P But what to do with my little guy? He doesn't stand on his own yet and obviously I'm NOT going to sit him down or prop him up against any surfaces in a public bathroom. Gross.
Once there was a changing table in the stall and so I strapped him on it. Another time I managed to wheel his stroller into the stall with me but it was super crowded and I felt pretty weird about it. I've contemplated trying to hold him, but that sounds a little too acrobatic. :-P
Someone please tell me there's a better way!
Re: Weird question ...
I am not expecting, but this is what I did when I was in the airport bathroom, with no space for a stroller, and I wasn't about to wait for a bigger stall...
I used my carrier. I have a bjorn, so she can face forward. This is important because then her legs go the same way as mine, and i don't have to worry about them touching the toilet. Awkward? Yes, but it worked. Also, it's something that I can get her in quickly, so when you gotta go, you can do it in only a couple seconds.
I held him on my lap just last week! It was awkward & I have no idea how I would do it if I was pregnant.
Kudos to you, but I did not have the acrobatic capabilities to do this while pregnant! I'd have fallen over!