1st Trimester

Newbie to 1st Tri

Hi ladies!

I'm about 6 weeks with our first! Very excited to start this journey! Hope to learn lots from you ladies :)

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Re: Newbie to 1st Tri

  • I am as well, and I am as far along as  you! =) im so confused on what is bad and good symptoms... congrats to you!
  • Awesome! Nice to meet you :) I was too until I read more into it. I've had slight morning sickness, no throwing up yet thank goodness and some mild cramping but that's because everything is moving and changing around down there.

    When is your first appointment? Mine is May 20th very excited!

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  • Nice to meet yu!! I'm only 4 weeks and 1 day but I'm so excited!! It's my first pregnancy :
    I've had a few symptoms nausea, extreme fatigue breast tenderness, some cramping but for the most part, I'm just living normally.
    Hopefully everything goes well I'm looking forward to learning practically everything from yu guys :
  • Hi ladies!  I'm 4 weeks 5 days and still in shock!  It took us over a year to get to this point!  So happy!  I have extreme fatigue around 2-3 every day - if I don't take a nap, I'm not a happy wife.  Then light twinges, and pulling and weirdness all day.  It freaks me out, but I keep reminding myself it is normal.
  • Hi ladies... and welcome! As I'm sure you've heard, symptoms can be very different for people, and even different for the same woman in different pregnancies. 

    My early symptoms are bloating, exhaustion, and sore nipples.

    My advice to you ladies here for the first time,... take those naps and get plenty of protein in your diet to help with the nausea. I can't find a link for you, but I've read about (and experienced personally) how protein bonds with the hCG so that they don't wreak so much havoc. String cheese in my bag was the end of my m/s last time.


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  • imagerachelinouray:

    Hi ladies... and welcome! As I'm sure you've heard, symptoms can be very different for people, and even different for the same woman in different pregnancies. 

    My early symptoms are bloating, exhaustion, and sore nipples.

    My advice to you ladies here for the first time,... take those naps and get plenty of protein in your diet to help with the nausea. I can't find a link for you, but I've read about (and experienced personally) how protein bonds with the hCG so that they don't wreak so much havoc. String cheese in my bag was the end of my m/s last time.


    Thanks for all the info! The fatigue definately has kicked in by 2pm I'm ready for a nap! H&H 9 mos to everyone!  



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  • This is my 1st pregnancy as well, it took us about 8 months to get to this point and couldn't be more excited!

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  • isle984isle984 member
    I am in the same boat as everyone else. I am 4 weeks and 5 days along, I could not be more excited and scared. I am a few of the early symptoms, which aren't that bad yet. 
  • Hi ladies.. I am 4 weeks and 3 days and every little thing freaks me out. We have been trying for our first for over a year. I don't have many symptoms yet just cramping which I guess is suppose to be normal!! So excited but nervous! :
  • Congrats! I am a newbie too! I have not yet been to the OB so I am not sure how far along I am. I have bad nausea and fatigue but I am also battling a sinus infection and on amoxicillin. So I am not sure if these symptoms are pregnancy related. Excited to share our journeys!!
  • Hi everyone, I'm hopping on the train, too.  I'm six weeks pregnant with our first and experiencing the same cramping and fatigue that you are.  No morning sickness, yet but my ladies are absolutely killing me...they are so sore!  I put on a sports bra as soon as I get home from work!
  • imagerachelinouray:

    Hi ladies... and welcome! As I'm sure you've heard, symptoms can be very different for people, and even different for the same woman in different pregnancies. 

    My early symptoms are bloating, exhaustion, and sore nipples.

    My advice to you ladies here for the first time,... take those naps and get plenty of protein in your diet to help with the nausea. I can't find a link for you, but I've read about (and experienced personally) how protein bonds with the hCG so that they don't wreak so much havoc. String cheese in my bag was the end of my m/s last time.

    THANK YOU!!!  Thinking about my last pregnancy, this makes sense - and gives me something to try in an attempt to prevent it.  FYI - I also saw that m/s is NOT much of a concern in 3rd world countries, which sort of matches this theory in a way, since I doubt they have much of a diet containing breads and pastas.

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