Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Suddenly hates his bath?

My almost 10 month old has been in the inflatable Duck tub inside the BIG tub since we moved him out of his infant tub. Well the Duck died. Poor buddy, totally deflated. So...we've been trying, unsuccessfully to bathe him in the BIG tub. He's hysterical the past 4 nights, and he's not a crier. He's real laid back usually. So I've been getting in with him. I think I'm gonna cave and buy a new duck unless anyone has some better ideas for me? Thanks!
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Re: Suddenly hates his bath?

  • I wrote a post similar to this yesterday! Except he's been in big tub for awhile! And loved it up until 4 nights ago!! He acts like he's scared to death! I have no idea what happened? Maybe I'll try the duck bath! Lol! Tonight I got in the bath with him!! :)
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