Hi - This is my second pregnancy and I have a 4 yr old. I was really sick with my daughter during my first pregnancy but I don't remember when it started. I got a bfp last week but I feel great actually. Im not tired, not nauseaus, no increase sensitivity to smells, etc. I know it is a little early but I am really nervous bc I have so many friends lately with m/c. I guess I did have breast sensitivty/pain but that has gone away now. Not that I want to be sick, but at least last time I knew everything was okay then. I don't think last time I even thought about m/c as a possibility but this time I am constantly worrying. I am getting up there in age so would hate to m/c and have to wait it out a few more months to even try again.
Re: Anyone Not Feeling Any Different - 5 wks?
Natural m/c: 10/17/11
Me (Katie)
DH (Adam
Married 10/11/12
TTC #1 since 3/12
This is why I love these boards. I am 5 weeks and not really noticing any symptoms either and I've been worried. I've been tired, but there is a lot going on in my life right now that could also be playing a part in that. I had very sore breasts about week 4, but now at 5 weeks I don't even have that. I feel fine! I'm like you....I don't WANT to be sick, but I feel like it would almost reassure me. I'm going crazy because my DR wont see me until 7 weeks!
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