1st Trimester

Anyone Not Feeling Any Different - 5 wks?

Hi - This is my second pregnancy and I have a 4 yr old.  I was really sick with my daughter during my first pregnancy but I don't remember when it started.  I got a bfp last week but I feel great actually.  Im not tired, not nauseaus, no increase sensitivity to smells, etc.  I know it is a little early but I am really nervous bc I have so many friends lately with m/c.  I guess I did have breast sensitivty/pain but that has gone away now.  Not that I want to be sick, but at least last time I knew everything was okay then.  I don't think last time I even thought about m/c as a possibility but this time I am constantly worrying.  I am getting up there in age so would hate to m/c and have to wait it out a few more months to even try again.

Re: Anyone Not Feeling Any Different - 5 wks?

  • I just posted the same thing pretty much. Should have checked first I guess. I am just freaking out too. My other pregancy where so different. I have only had inplantion cramps that's it. My gums aren't even bleeding. I in the same boat. Guess I won't know. Till 3 weeks or so for a scan. I am due December 28. I miscarried my first. Then had a healthy baby girl.
  • most women don't start feeling symptoms until 6 weeks. Some never do. Symptoms or lack there of are never an indication of the viability of the pregnancy. It's also normal to worry about miscarrying (even if it's never happened to you before). Try to relax, I know it's easier said than done. Just keep reminding yourself that everything's fine until it isn't. I was in the same boat as you at 5 weeks. I had sore breasts at 4 weeks, but that was probably more from the clomid than the pregnancy. Then at 5 weeks-nothing. Now I'm 7 weeks and I just back and forth between being exhausted and full of energy, I pee like a racehorse, gas, nausea, the works.
    Suprise BFP: 8/17/11 (previous relationship)
    Natural m/c: 10/17/11
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  • ARS25ARS25 member

    This is why I love these boards. I am 5 weeks and not really noticing any symptoms either and I've been worried. I've been tired, but there is a lot going on in my life right now that could also be playing a part in that. I had very sore breasts about week 4, but now at 5 weeks I don't even have that. I feel fine! I'm like you....I don't WANT to be sick, but I feel like it would almost reassure me. I'm going crazy because my DR wont see me until 7 weeks!

  • Same here, nothing much, except feeling bloated and tired.  But I'm wondering how much is due to knowing I'm pregnant.  But no sickeness, no breast tenderness.  The bloating is just more annoying, I help this is the only bad symptom... yeah right lol
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  • No two pregnancies are the same. I am way sicker this time around. I wasn't able to keep anything down so my Dr actually had to write me a prescription for anti-nausea meds which have been such a blessing. After going a week without eating it was horrible. But try not to worry too much, I know that is easier said than done.
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