Attachment Parenting

Jury duty & breastfeeding?

Just looking for some reassurance...has anyone done jury duty while breastfeeding?  I got a summons for next week and I have a 6 week old daughter.  I contacted the court and they will let me postpone it until she's 6 months old - there's no laws regarding breastfeeding/jury duty in our state and no other way to get out of it. So I will be summoned again in October and I am freaking out about it for some reason.  I'm a SAHM and have a 3-year-old son also, I nursed him until he was 2.5 and never pumped or used bottles or anything and was planning to do the same with my daughter...all of that would be new to me and so it's giving me anxiety. I wonder how hard it would be to pump during jury duty, when I should introduce a bottle (or if she's 6 months could she just do a cup?), how much I should pump beforehand, etc.  Has anyone done this? Of course there's the chance they won't even call my juror number but I feel like I'll have to prepare anyway.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you!!

Re: Jury duty & breastfeeding?

  • I wouldn't introduce a bottle just for that purpose. If you EBF and she doesnt take a bottle jus show up with the baby. Most places you can be excised if youre the sole care provider. That said, I read an article just yesterday about a woman who did jury duty while BF, and they provided a pumping room and she got her maternity leave (FMLA) extended by a week. But she said she didn't try to get out of it because she felt it was her duty.
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  • I have a friend who (I believe) got dismissed or excused because she was a SHM and coudln't find care for her kids.  She was actually bummed because her degree was in law, but she coudln't find a way to make it work.

    I wouldn't try to get out it necessarily, but find out what accomadation can be made for you.  I would imagine making accomadtion for you will be more hassle than they'll put forth and they'll just put your name back in the mix for later, but I don't really know.

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  • I was dismissed when DD was still nursing at 20 months.  I just told the judge that I was a SAH, didn't have childcare options, was exclusively nursing my child (they didn't ask how old the baby was), and that I would be distracted thinking about being away from LO during the trial.  They want people who are focused.
    Me - 40, DH 34 Married 11 years, TTC since 7/09 3 rounds of Clomid > Vivienne born 5/28/11
    TTC#2 since 01/13 - 3 rounds of Clomid, 2 IUI w/injectibles, moving to IVF
    IVF #1 - Lupron 20 6/19, Follistim 225 6/21, Menopur 75 6/27, Trigger 6/30
    ER 7/2 (8R, 7M, 5F); ET 7/5 - 2 8 cell, grade 1 and 1 7 cell, grade 1 Stick babies, stick!
    BFP on HPT at 11dp3dt
    Beta #1 13dp3dt 787
    Beta #2 17dp3dt 6,007
    1st u/s 5w2d showing one "good" sac and 2-3 questionable
    2nd u/s 6w2d showing one baby with HR 128bpm
    3rd u/s 7w1d - HR 159bpm - graduated from RE!
    MaternT21 test results: no chromosomal issues, it's a BOY!!!
    EDD March 25, 2014

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  • I am pretty surprised that they made you postpone it rather than simply dismissing you. I was also called for jury duty when LO was a few weeks old. I said that I was the sole caregiver during the day and could not leave her and I was dismissed. That seemed to be one of the only reasons you could be dismissed outright. I believe I even filled something out online and never had to call or anything (but I supposed every state is different). If you don't plan to give the baby bottles and that isn't enough of a reason for them to allow you to be dismissed- I would suggest you say that you don't have childcare (it is not exactly a lie- you don't have childcare that can feed your child). That might be enough to allow you not to have to serve (or at least postpone for another 6 months).
  • you are excused until the kid is eight if you are a SAHM and not sure for the BFing...they have to let you postpone.  That or bring your baby with you! That would be me because the pump (I've had four) doesn't empty my breasts and DD won't take a bottle! Good luck!!

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  • monaluamonalua member
    Thanks for the advice ladies. I appreciate it. I did more research on this last night. In our state Colorado, you can't get excused for having young kids they even provide free offsite childcare if you're serving in my county. I'm just going to wait until I get my next summons in 6 months and tell them I'm exclusively breastfeeding and hope to get it postponed again. Although the flyer says you can only have one postponement...we'll just have to see what happens. I think I'll tell them she doesn't take a bottle and being away from her would put me at risk for mastitis if I'm not able to pump every few hours etc. This is a hard situation!
  • imagemonalua:
    Thanks for the advice ladies. I appreciate it. I did more research on this last night. In our state Colorado, you can't get excused for having young kids they even provide free offsite childcare if you're serving in my county. I'm just going to wait until I get my next summons in 6 months and tell them I'm exclusively breastfeeding and hope to get it postponed again. Although the flyer says you can only have one postponement...we'll just have to see what happens. I think I'll tell them she doesn't take a bottle and being away from her would put me at risk for mastitis if I'm not able to pump every few hours etc. This is a hard situation!

    Let them know at that point you are required to pump every 2 hours for 20-30 minutes so you would need breaks chronically throughout the day in order to pump to feed your daughter and maintain your supply.  We're in IL but I've had a friend postpone every 6 months for the last year and a 1/2 since at first she had a newborn then she was exclusively nursing and now she will be 38 weeks pregnant with her second when they called her again.  It's looking like it will be 3 years before she finally actually goes in for jury duty but they just keep pushing it out. 

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  • erbearerbear member

    Do not bring your baby.

    You can try to postpone but they may not go for it. So you'll tell them that you need a pumping break every 3 hours (which will be twice, maaaaybe 3 times when you're there). They're not likely to put you on a jury, but just go.

    It's not a big deal. I did it when one of my girls was 3 months old. It was fine. 

    "Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you've got about a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies. God damn it, you've got to be kind." - Kurt Vonnegut
  • drbethcdrbethc member

    I was dismissed when DD was still nursing at 20 months.  I just told the judge that I was a SAH, didn't have childcare options, was exclusively nursing my child (they didn't ask how old the baby was), and that I would be distracted thinking about being away from LO during the trial.  They want people who are focused.


    this! I did the same thing...I got dismissed.. LO is as 9 mos. 

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