Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Helping baby sleep later

My DD had been sleeping from 7:30 to 7:30 starting at about 4 1/2 months. Now for the past month or so she's 11 months, she's been waking up between 6 or 6:30. I know she's not really ready to get up because she always falls back asleep when I go in and nurse her. Any suggestions for helping her sleep later on her own?
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Re: Helping baby sleep later

  • imagekbruington:

    DS changes his awake times almost every week. It's always changing. When your LO wakes up at 6, do you have to go get her? If DS wakes up way too early, I leave him and see what he does. Most of the time he falls back asleep after babbling in his crib for a while. I only go get him if he's screaming and yelling for me.

    Same here.  If it's before 6:30, I wait about 15 minutes before I go in.  Most times, if he's just talking or even fussing, he will go back to sleep.  

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  • Be glad yours goes back to sleep :)  Mine is awake at 5:30AM and does not go back to sleep after nursing. 
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