1st Trimester

Bicornuate uterus and Subchorionic Hematoma


I am just looking for a little reassurance and to just write down/get out everything I'm worried about.

On March 2nd I had a D&E for a miscarriage - the baby stopped growing around 6 weeks and the process started around 8 weeks-we never saw a heartbeat. We were advised to wait for one cycle before trying again. My husband and I were not trying trying but we weren't being particularly careful because I didn't think that I could get pregnant again that quickly/easily. During this first pregnancy I was diagnosed with bicornuate uterus.

Currently I am 7 weeks pregnant, my second pregnancy, and at 6 weeks we saw a good heartbeat at 118. No complications, normal pregnancy symptoms and an annoying hacking cough. I am a medical student and have to be at work at 6am - 6pm and yesterday morning at 6am I had a bad episode of morning sickness at work with lots of pretty intense wretching because I hadn't had breakfast yet. At that time I used the restroom as well and there was no blood. Around 6:45 I went to the restroom again and my (sorry for the descriptions that follow) panties were full of blood, when I wiped it was blood and blood was filling the toilet bowl. I called my OB-Gyn and he recommended going to the ER (of course at a different hospital 30 minutes away from the one I was working at) and when I got there I had an ultrasound that show baby moving, we could hear the heartbeat at 128 and we could see the hematoma. My OB said he noticed it at my FIRST appointment/ultrasound but they typically resorb so he wasn't surprised by it (I wish he had said that there was the potential for me to be practically hemorrhaging at some point during this pregnancy). He scheduled a follow up on May 9th and to keep my appointment for May 21. 

Today I am still bleeding bright red blood today but not nearly as much (about 1/8th as much) but there is still blood when I wipe. I am having back soreness (but not cramps) and some muscle soreness when I cough. I called and talk to his nurse today and she did give me a lot of information and basically told me not to worry because a lot of ladies have this and they go on to have normal pregnancies. I am on bedrest/pelvic rest for 2 days past whenever my bleeding stops. 

Anyone else have a similar experience? Anything I can do to help my baby (I feel so helpless)? Any red flag symptoms? How long did you bleeding last? I've heard that bright red is good (because it is active and healing?) and also bad (because it is active) - what is better bright red or old/brown/darker? Any ways to lower the risk of miscarriage even further?

Any other tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Re: Bicornuate uterus and Subchorionic Hematoma

  • jaw5pjjaw5pj member
    Thank you for responding - so bleeding it out is better than having the clot behind the placenta right?
  • I had two m/c caused by my bicornuate uterus. This pregnancy I had bleeding at 6 weeks, I bled through my panties and pants in a matter of seconds, and they couldnt find a hb at 7 weeks... A follow up at 9 weeks showed a healthy baby with a strong hb. I am now 12w and everything is going great. At my 12w u/s the tech said that the septum that causes a bicornuate uterus was pressed up against one of the walls and that it shouldn't pose a problem besides possibly a breech presentation at birth.

    MMC 01/26/12 

    MC 12/25/12, D&C 01/05/13

    BFP 03/05/13, EDD 11/12/13. HB 175 @ 9w2d. Its a Girl!

    <3Madeline Lorraine H. <3 Born 11/12/13 @9:10pm, 7lb6oz

    DX with EA/TEF Type C & Tracheomalaysia
    MC @ 13wks 01/15/15 

    DX Septate Uterus - surgery recommended

    BFP 3/18/16, EDD 11/13/16 It's a boy!
    <3 Clint Kiszonas H. <3 Born 11/21/16 @10:38pm, 9lb11oz

    BFP 1/11/18, EDD 9/21/18 
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  • mboruchmboruch member

    I also had a Hematoma. I had minor bright red bleeding during week 8 and then an real large gush of red blood at 11 weeks. I completely understand in feeling scared and helpless!! I remember feeling this way.

    For me, i really took it easy ASAP after my second bleed. From speaking to other women who went through the same thing, i found that i felt better and believed i was doing the right thing if i rested more during the day, i took some days off from work to limit my activity if the Hematoma was bothering me/bleeding more, and i never lifted anything over 10-15lbs ( which was actually advised by my doctor and by others with similar experiences). 


    Just as a point of reference, i bleed for a full month after my 11 week bleed. Half way through that month it did turn dark brown and eventually stopped. 

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • jaw5pjjaw5pj member

    Luckily it seems like my bleeding has slowed down significantly. I just wish I could have another ultrasound every day from now until birth :-). 


    Hopefully it will be much smaller or gone at my next ultrasound.

    Thank you all for all of your support :-) 

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