1st Trimester

Social media and telling your boss you're pregnant

Hello Ladies,

I'm probably way over thinking this, but here's the deal.  This weekend we are heading back to our old stomping grounds, and are excited to tell our friends still in the area that we're expecting.  (I'm 12 weeks today).  

I planned on telling my boss sometime next week, at 13 weeks.  I figured in that time frame it will probably stay off FB, which is what I prefer since I am FB friends with some coworkers.

 However, now I am wondering if I should wait to tell my boss another week, after I hear the heart beat.  We did see it at 7-8 weeks, and I haven't had any reason to worry, but I guess hearing it makes me feel better. The problem is that's 2 weeks of it potentially getting out there, and potentially getting around work before I tell my boss. Of course I can ask my friends to not say anything yet, and they are mostly guys, so I don't feel they will be as chit chatty but...well you can see where I'm probably over thinking it.  Advice/thoughts?

Re: Social media and telling your boss you're pregnant

  • If you wait you risk it getting out, like you said. You could tell your boss but explain to him/her that you wanted to wait until you heard the heartbeat, but you also wanted him/her to hear it from you and not someone else. Oooooor..you could wait. And if your boss catches wind of it before you officially let the cat out of the bag, just explain that you wanted to wait until you knew for sure that everything was okay. Either way, if your boss gets mad for some reason, it's not your fault. :) 
  • engrgrlengrgrl member

    Thanks girls...part of me just wants to tell everyone! But there's that little voice saying wait a bit longer for work.  Of course I'll tell friends no matter what this weekend, since it'll be the only time to tell in person Smile


    Has anyone told work earlier, or before they heard the heartbeat?

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  • Wait until you are comfortable. I know it is hard to keep the secret, but you'll feel better if you've done it at a good time. I just told my boss on Monday (11w6d). It was early, but not too early, and I felt pretty comfortable and confident. I had my NT scan yesterday, so I suppose I could have waited another few days, but it just felt right.

    You'll figure it out. You definitely want your boss to know before most other people, just so they don't feel slighted. I mean, they are a pretty important part of the office dynamics, you know?!

    Good luck! 

    Married since 2008 | TTC #1 since 2011

    2 losses: Nov '11 and Aug '12
    Dx: Feb '13 - HSG shows clear tubes but minor diverticulitis; Borderline DOR; Low DHEA and low testosterone.
    Moving on to IUI or IVF.

    3.4.13:  Holy crap! Surprise natural BFP on cycle #19. EDD 11.12.13
    We've got a peen.....it's a boy! 
    Little man born 11.17.2013 via c-section

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  • engrgrlengrgrl member

    Why don't you just put your coworkers on your restricted list temporarily?  Then they will only be able to see what you make public.  I'm assuming all of your wall posts and status updates are friends only, so they wouldn't be able to see anything even if your friends did make a big deal about it.


    Thanks, that's a good idea!

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