DS is almost 9 months. He is over being spoon fed and wants to do it himself and he's pretty good at it. I'm just looking for more go to soft foods. What does your LO eat often?
We feed DS most of what we eat. I think he could eat his weight in Cheerios daily if I let him. He LOVES to feed himself and those has really improved his fine motor. Also, the pediatrician said they're fortified with lots of good stuff, so they're not a bad choice.
He also gets:
pretty much any kind of fruit, diced into small pieces
steamed or roasted veggies
tiny bits of toast covered with hummus
pasta, ditalini is an especially good shape (the tiny tubes you see in minestrone)
tiny bites of meat, we've done chicken, turkey and pork so far
We're just starting dairy but pieces of shredded cheese or cottage cheese curds
Yesterday his babysitter said he chowed down a gluten free waffle
Our LO eats primarily what we eat as long as its soft enough for him. He usually gets a cut up banana and whole grain cheerios for breakfast and then eats what we have the rest of the day. For snacks I give him whole grain Gerber Puffs, cheerios, or shredded cheddar cheese.
My DD loves blueberries. We've also given her steamed veggies and tiny cubes of cheese. I've also scrambled up an egg yoke with a little cheese, and she did not like the egg!
DS loves finger food and started hating being spoon fed at about 9 months. The first foods we tried were banana, avocado, and bread. He'll eat everything put in front of him. We've tried pancakes, eggs, chicken, turkey, ham, steamed sweet potatoes and carrots, pizza, pasta, and tomato sauce. He loves feeding himself.
Re: What finger foods are your feeding your LO?
We feed DS most of what we eat. I think he could eat his weight in Cheerios daily if I let him. He LOVES to feed himself and those has really improved his fine motor. Also, the pediatrician said they're fortified with lots of good stuff, so they're not a bad choice.
He also gets:
pretty much any kind of fruit, diced into small pieces
steamed or roasted veggies
tiny bits of toast covered with hummus
pasta, ditalini is an especially good shape (the tiny tubes you see in minestrone)
tiny bites of meat, we've done chicken, turkey and pork so far
We're just starting dairy but pieces of shredded cheese or cottage cheese curds
Yesterday his babysitter said he chowed down a gluten free waffle