What does that mean? I gained 5 pounds since my last appointment. I am 32 weeks. I have been walking a lot more and eating good so she was lecturing me how I need to be taking care of myself. I feel like I have been. Since he is measuring big is that bad? I didn't want to ask she seemed pretty annoyed with me.
Re: measuring big
My fundal height was measuring three weeks ahead at my last appointment. I had a growth US today and it showed the baby measuring three weeks ahead as well. He's in the 90th+ percentile for both height and weight. My OB is having me repeat my glucose tolerance test - I passed the first time but they want to make sure that GD isn't causing the bigness.
Thankfully, I didn't get lectured : ) She did encourage me to watch the carbs, which I know I've been bad about lately. I'm also going to do my best to get out and walk every day. I'm just going to do the best that I can. I know my doctor will keep a close eye on both of us and I've been assured that baby AND Mama can be a little bigger than desired and still end up having a healthy birth and healthy baby. Best of luck to you!
Between weeks 34 and 36, I gained seven pounds. The nurse asked me if I had gone on vacation recently. Haha. I hadn't gained any weight in about a month before that, so I was actually happy to have gained some weight, and the doctor didn't seem too concerned. Honestly, we all know we need to take care of ourselves. It irritates me when I hear about doctors lecturing pregnant women about weight gain. As long as you are trying to eat healthy and keep up physical activity, you aren't doing anything wrong, and you shouldn't have to feel guilty or afraid to ask your doctor a question.
DD2: Lucia (Lucy) 07/13