April 2013 Moms

Team green, now team blue!

Our baby boy was born yesterday!

My 40 week appt was yesterday morning. After a little scare with high BP last week and an ultrasound showing a baby near 9#, my  doctor recommended induction. I was dilated to 4cm and about 75% effaced when I was checked.

I got all checked in to the hospital and pitocin was started at 11:00am. My doctor came over at lunch and broke my water at 11:45. About 12:30-1:00, I decided I'd probably want an epidural, so the nurse turned up my fluids to finish the bag before calling anesthesia. Anesthesia arrived about 2:15 and got started. At this point, my  still isnt here, as we were all expecting this to take all day and he's home doing cattle chores. About the time my back was getting numbed, the contractions got REALLY bad, and while he was putting in the catheter, I started feeling like my body was pushing. The nurse got a bit concerned, but had me breathe through the contractions. Epi was in but not working, so she had me lie down, checked and said I was complete and baby was "right there".

Cue lots of people running around! One nurse managed to call my dh to let him know what was going on. My doctor made it in the room, and baby was out in one contraction! 9lb 9oz, 21" long,born at 2:47pm... 3hrs 45 minutes after pitocin was started. Dh didn't make it. :( My epi meds kicked in in time for my doctor to stitch up my 1st degree tear, but she said I could claim a med-free birth! ;)

We still don't have a name, but he is perfect. I'll get pictures loaded as soon as we're home.

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