I know there have been lots of posts about bleeding and spotting. Just thought I would add a little personal experience for those with questions. Yesterday, I suddenly started bleeding heavily (enough to fill an overnight pad and soak through my underwear). Not only was it bright red blood but clots as well. It only lasted about 2 hours and then turned brown. I was scheduled to go in today for my 12 week appt anyway, so decided to wait it out. We had an u/s (was planned anyways) and baby was there doing great wiggling all around. Baby is actually measuring 12 w and 6 d, which is a little ahead (no complaints here).
Dr. did say that the placenta is very low (not a complete previa) so they want to keep me on a 2 week schedule to make sure it is moving up as it should. I had the same issue with DD which contributed to her being diagnosed IUGR towards the end of my pregnancy. Dr. did indicate that the bleeding is likely from the edge of my placenta moving over the cervix.
So while it was a reassuring visit over all, still a little worried about the possible previa and the now greater possibility that this baby may be IUGR as well. Assuming this pregnancy makes it to term with a bring home baby, this will be my last pregnancy- but was just curious if any other moms out there have dealt with IUGR or Previa?
Re: questions about IUGR & Previa from my 12w u/s- may contain TMI