1st Trimester

Allergy Season and PND

Spring has sprung in our part of the world and the pollen is making me crazy. Dealing with the effects of PND now (sore throat and nausea that is different from pregnancy nausea, if that makes any sense). Does anyone have good tips of ways to relieve this that don't involve meds?

Re: Allergy Season and PND

  • I live in North Carolina and we have a horrible pollin problem here. I had never had problems with allergies until a year ago when my Dr told be to start taking Zertec D.  This year however, I didn't want to take any medications so I tried something I had been hearing about which was to eat a spoonful of local honey a day.  I have been doing this for the past several months and have had absolutely no problem.  I know its working because for some reason I stopped eating over the past few days and I've notices drainage and sinus problems.  Hope this helps!
  • I use a saline rinse morning and night and I got the okay from my OB to start Zyrtec at 10 weeks. Sometimes they want you to avoid that in first tri so check with your doc to see what he or she approves.

    He did say the over the counter Decongestant in Claritin D and Zyrtec D are a no go. The regulars are fine.

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  • Thanks for the suggestions, y'all. Going to dig out my neti pot...
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