For the past 3-4 days my throat has been killing me. Yesterday, it got a lot worse and I have a very low fever (99.0) and am startig to get a bad cough. I was around my nephew last week who had been sick with strep/respiratory infection and I am scared I caught it even though I tried so hard to not touch him and wash my hads every five seconds.
I will call my doctor to see if I can get an appointment today, but if he gives me antibiotics, I am so scared to take them. I have seen online a few are safe in pregnancy, but I am only 5 1/2 weeks and I have been trying to avoid exposure to anything with chemicals, etc until at least 2nd tri.
Have any of you have to take medicine so early? Im so scare it will hurt the baby.
Re: Sick and nervous- are antibiotics OK this early?
BFP #1: 8/4/12 BFP#2: 8/5/12
M/C: 8/7/12
BFP#3: 02/21/2013 EDD: 10/30/2013 DD Born: 11/1/2013 <br>
TTC #2 May 2018
Exactly this. A bacterial infection can become seriously dangerous if left untreated and can lead to loss of the baby. The benefit of taking an abx is far superior than the risk of not taking it. I took a high dose of Keflex during my 2WW because I had a UTI. This was actually prescribed to me by my RE so she was well aware of the possibility I was pregnant.
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
Well said if it is Strep you can not ride it out. My husband tried to do this last November ugh stupid hard headed man it didn't work out well for him. He winded up with a 2 week stay in the hospital half of which was in the ICU, emergency surgery, on IV meds for 6 weeks after, and he is still not able to go back to work full time yet. This was all because he didn't want to take antibiotics when he just knew he could fight it off himself. He is so lucky to even be alive today. So if you think it might be strep PLEASE go to the Dr. it's nothing to play around with.