I'm a first time mom and also come from a family of all girls so just need some ideas for what kind of toys and things to get my little guy for his big day. thanks!
I would get him something to ride on/push or a radio flyer. My little man loves to be pulled in his wagon and then he will be able to put things in it and pull it himself. One big gift its fine...let everyone else get other presents. Don't stress it too much. There are more to come!
Thanks ladies! We're definitely leaning towards a wagon or "truck". I've seen a lot of people posting that they're not getting their LOs any presents buttt where I come from birthdays mean celebrations and presents!! Especially his 1st birthday!
Although he's walking well, I don't really see DS being able to push himself around on a ride on toy. I like to do outside stuff. For DD we got her a sand and water table. We got DS a play house and I believe (hope) MIL is getting him a grill. They both love the kitchen inside, so I figure this will be fun for the yard.
nothing being number 2 we have so much already. everyone else will get his stuff.
It sounds bad, but we really have everything. I also know from experience that people go crazy with gifts so I really don't plan on getting much...especially since there are only so many toys for kids this age so we don't need 100 battery operated toys.
LO will be 1 in July- so I am still thinking about this. But yes I plan on getting him at least one big present, and maybe thats it (other people will get him other things) I am thinking about a sandbox, or a riding type toy, or a pool, since its in the summer iM thinking of more summer type of stuff . But it also depends too on what his interests are at that point- he might not even be walking by then, maybe hell love to be outside, or hell love toys that you can pull, push or bend.
Another thought is one of those play school plastic toy houses or a kitchen/grill set.
Re: what are you getting your boy for his 1st bday?
i am getting this ..a red pewi y bike
also kid O go car and truck ..
and blocks
I want to get him an activity cube, something like this:
love these ideas! I was thinking about the chair too, but my niece got one and barely ever sits in it lol- go figure
i thought the same of my non-walking 10m-old, but MIL got him aLittle Tykes truck, and DS rides it all over the house. It's worth a try!
It sounds bad, but we really have everything.
I also know from experience that people go crazy with gifts so I really don't plan on getting much...especially since there are only so many toys for kids this age so we don't need 100 battery operated toys.
We're getting LO this,
We're going to wait until Christmas to get him the Little Tykes trike.
LO will be 1 in July- so I am still thinking about this. But yes I plan on getting him at least one big present, and maybe thats it (other people will get him other things) I am thinking about a sandbox, or a riding type toy, or a pool, since its in the summer iM thinking of more summer type of stuff
. But it also depends too on what his interests are at that point- he might not even be walking by then, maybe hell love to be outside, or hell love toys that you can pull, push or bend.
Another thought is one of those play school plastic toy houses or a kitchen/grill set.