I'm 11weeks pregnant with my first child. I was constipated for a few weeks, i was able to go here and there but not much. now for the past week i have had diarrhea. It started off soft and now is like water. Now i am very worried. I dont know if its because i was so backed up or because i did stop taking my nausea prescription. My last u/s was when i was 6 weeks and the baby had a 160 bpm. I dont have my next appt. Until Thursday. I really didn't want to go into er because i have already went twice already for previous worries. I google things too much and then drive myself crazy!
Re: constipation now diarrhea
I had that too. It was quite miserable. I would call your doctor and ask what they recommend. I did the Brat diet and chicken noodle soup. My midwife also told me I could take Immodium for up to 3 days. I hope you feel better soon!