Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Design Student Needs Your Help for Redesign of Baby Formula

Hi Moms and Dads!

I'm a graphic design student from Chicago and I'm working on redesigning the packaging of Enfamil for a school project. As I don't yet have any children, I don't know much about the product and would really appreciate any insight from you parents. I have a couple of key questions but any other feedback/ opinions would be super helpful.

Do you use Enfamil, why or why not?
What makes you choose one formula over the other? 
What do you like specifically about the brand you use? 
Does advertising play any role in the brand you use?
How do you feel about the packaging design of baby formulas?

Thank you so much for your help!

Re: Design Student Needs Your Help for Redesign of Baby Formula

  • I breastfeed, but we recently went through a round of taste tests to start weaning DS. I can tell you that he doesn't care what is on the packaging.

    I also have a design background, and as a parent the most important thing to me on the packaging is the nutritional information and ingredients. I want to easily be able to compare what is in one product vs. another, and it's annoying when the design/layout of the packaging makes this difficult. I could care less about the color of the package, or the font, or whether there are nice images on it.

    Some of the moms that I know who use formula tell me they just use what their parents gave them as children.

    Sometimes in design school you have to design for your instructor, rather than for real-life situations. 

  • I have a design back ground too! I started using Enfamil while in the hospital- the nurse gave me a few options of brands, and I choose that because my other friends had used it (and I knew at home I had samples of that). Now I use the Target Brand, due to cost.  But since your doing the product design for Enfamil, Ill tell you want draws me in besides cost.  as PP said nutrition facts, what age its for (newborn, infant, toddler...) something that makes a mom want to grab that one over any other kind.  I am looking at both a sample of the Enfamil Infant, and the Target Brand I usually get.  calming colors, and or baby type colors, saying its as close to breast milk as you can get, what it does for baby (the package says growth, brain and eyes, immune system). 

    not to flashy, but the Target one, is just white with yellow type- it says that they don't spend the money on packaging.  The size, and how many ounces it makes is helpful.  how long it can be left out for, or how long its good for (i.e. once made it can be good for 24 hrs)

    we all know breast milk is best, but if we can't breast feed we want something that makes us feel like we are doing the next best thing for your babies, that we don't feel bad or guilty for giving formula instead of breast milk. 

    I hope that helps.  good luck and I hope you share with us your final  projects!!!

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