1st Trimester

pelvic pressure

Ok so i am 5 weeks tomorrow and am having some light pelvic pressure. I have had two miss and trying to stay calm this time around. Is it normal to have that feeling so early? I know it can happen later in pregnancy. Could it be because I have to go to the bathroom? (number 2) Any words of wisdom would be great. Thanks 

Re: pelvic pressure

  • Pressure? Like faint cramps? That is normal. I have it too on and off and I'm not even 5 weeks. To me, it almost feels like tightness in my ute. It's normal though!! Think positive!
  • Yes faint cramps as well as it feels like someone is pushing on my pelvis. Thank you. 
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  • As long as it's mild I wouldn't worry too muh about it. As a nurse we always rate pain on a 0-10 scale. 10 being excruciating. My pain is about a 3 at the worst. There's alot going on in the ute so I think this is normal to be able to feel things happenin
  • Thank you so much!!!!! It is about a 3 for me as well. easies when i sit down. My first appt is May 21st. It seems so far away. Im also hopping maybe its because I need to go number 2. not sure if it can happen with that or not. Thank you again
  • I felt pelvic pressure right away in the beginning.  I thought it was weird too, but it's totally normal. :)
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