At 10 months old, I still find myself not letting LO scream for more than 10-15 minutes in his crib. He's not a really big cryer to begin with so I feel like something is really wrong when he screams like that. Am I the only one?
At 10 months old, I still find myself not letting LO scream for more than 10-15 minutes in his crib. He's not a really big cryer to begin with so I feel like something is really wrong when he screams like that. Am I the only one?
first of all your son is adorable! Secondly, my daughter has a similar personality and I usually don't let her cry that long either. I tried it once and she cried over an hour and still didnt stop. Never again
At 10 months old, I still find myself not letting LO scream for more than 10-15 minutes in his crib. He's not a really big cryer to begin with so I feel like something is really wrong when he screams like that. Am I the only one?
first of all your son is adorable! Secondly, my daughter has a similar personality and I usually don't let her cry that long either. I tried it once and she cried over an hour and still didnt stop. Never again
Thank you so much! Same for me too, after that one time I never let him go that long again. I felt so bad.
CIO isn't about letting your child cry when something is WRONG. Do people really believe that??
CIO has worked well for us. DD sleeps through the night, 11 hours. UNLESS something is wrong. Though she will occasionally wake up and then soothe herself back to sleep within a few minutes (or within 30 seconds!). Otherwise, I can tell from her cry that something is wrong so I go in to take care of her.
I do know one mom who's son is 4 days older than my DD. He doesn't STTN. She has never done any sleep training. Must suck for her but that is the way she chooses to parent.
Fortunatley my DD never cried as long as you have described. I'm not sure what I would have done if that happened. When we started CIO she responsed right away to the sleep training. But I wouldn't let my DD NOT STTN indefinetly without trying everything under the sun, included hiring a sleep expert if that is what it came to.
CIO isn't about letting your child cry when something is WRONG. Do people really believe that??
CIO has worked well for us. DD sleeps through the night, 11 hours. UNLESS something is wrong. Though she will occasionally wake up and then soothe herself back to sleep within a few minutes (or within 30 seconds!). Otherwise, I can tell from her cry that something is wrong so I go in to take care of her.
I do know one mom who's son is 4 days older than my DD. He doesn't STTN. She has never done any sleep training. Must suck for her but that is the way she chooses to parent.
Fortunatley my DD never cried as long as you have described. I'm not sure what I would have done if that happened. When we started CIO she responsed right away to the sleep training. But I wouldn't let my DD NOT STTN indefinetly without trying everything under the sun, included hiring a sleep expert if that is what it came to.
I get it. But this specific post was for moms that don't use the CIO. I understand already why some women do.
I got desperate enough to try it. My 11mo is still up 34 times per night to nurse and I work 80 hours per week. I'm dead on my feet.
He cried for 4 hours, until he vomited, for a solid week. It didn't get less and less like people say. I couldn't take it. I can't do that to him. But he's always been a high needs baby with dairy/soy intolerance, colic, reflux.
I'm the same way. I don't let LO scream for more than 10 minutes because she usually needs something.
right. If mine cries, 95% of the time something is wrong.
This! We don't CIO. We're not running to his room the second he cries. We give him a few minutes. Sometimes, he goes back to sleep within a minute or so. If not, we get him.
We haven't done CIO. I'm not against it if that's what works for your family. I would be against it with a very young baby.
DD doesn't sleep through the night, but she only wakes up a couple of times toward the early morning to nurse. To me, that's NBD. We'll see what happens when I go back to work on Monday though!
I do let her fuss when I put her down for her nap because usually it's only till I walk down the stairs and then she's out. It's a different kind of cry than in the nighttime when we put her down. Usually one of us will lie down with her til she falls asleep in the night.
You are so not the only one! My little guy will be 11 months in a week and we have not done cry it out or any other type of sleep training. We have always been very "go with the flow" with him or what have you and just gone by his cues. We are to the point where he sleeps through the night, but doesn't put himself to sleep. We've never been able to put him down drowsy because he screams bloody me that says he's not ready to be doing I rock him to sleep still....and I dont really mind doing that...he is only going to be this little once so I will take the rocking and cuddles while I can. I figure when he truly understand what "bed time" is and is able to communicate better he will be able to put himself to bed just fine.
You are so not the only one! My little guy will be 11 months in a week and we have not done cry it out or any other type of sleep training. We have always been very "go with the flow" with him or what have you and just gone by his cues. We are to the point where he sleeps through the night, but doesn't put himself to sleep. We've never been able to put him down drowsy because he screams bloody me that says he's not ready to be doing I rock him to sleep still....and I dont really mind doing that...he is only going to be this little once so I will take the rocking and cuddles while I can. I figure when he truly understand what "bed time" is and is able to communicate better he will be able to put himself to bed just fine.
This is exactly how DH and I feel too about 'going with the flow' and when DS gets a little older he'll understand putting himself to bed. We are enjoying our cuddles and rocking right now!
We have never let my daughter CIO. I just don't feel comfortable with that. She gets up once a night, but other than that she sleeps great so I'm glad we never opted to do it.
My DS is 10 months old and we have not tried CIO method or any other sleep training methods. He still wakes up once and sometimes twice a night to nurse/have a bottle. To me, it hasn't been a big enough deal for me to look into any methods yet. So no, you are not alone.
Thanks for posting this. I honestly was feeling like a loser, like I was the only one who wasn't letting my LO cry it out. I have had people at work literally laugh (joking of course) when I tell them I haven't done it and he is still up several times a night (nursing 3x and up almost every half hour from 2 am on some nights). I read the books, but just can't follow through or do it. I know that nothing is wrong with him when he cries (there is never any tears) but I don't have it in me. I know he must feell scared, alone, etc. so I cannot let him feel this way in good conscience.
No, and I won't be, either. She's almost 11 months. I adore putting her to bed (rock/nurse her to sleep). And I don't mind getting up in the night. Sometimes it's once, sometimes it's 3-4 times. It all depends on what she's got going on in that little brain/body of hers.
I told myself when she was born that I didn't want to look back on this time and have any memories of either of us being stressed, worried, sad, frustrated, whathaveyou. I wanted to enjoy every moment as they came, good and bad. Sleep training would not be an enjoyable experience for either of us, so I decided to leave it on the shelf.
Nope, I don't use the CIO method and I've never tried. My 9 month old gets up about twice a night and either she's hungry or just wants a cuddle. I can't see depriving her of either right now. She goes back to sleep without a problem in about 10 minutes.
DD only really cries when something is wrong. If she's awake in there whining or babbling- I'll let it go. Once it turns into a cry I go in and get her pacifier and if that doesn't work I rock her.
I'm not against it or anything.. I've read a lot of posts on here where moms get mean about it! Yikes. But like I've read on here. DD cries when something is wrong, so usually I go to her just to comfort and soothe her
My LO is 11 months, and we have never done any form of CIO. I nurse her to sleep for naps and bedtime. I figure she won't nurse forever, and I enjoy the snuggles for now.
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Re: Anyone not using the CIO method?
first of all your son is adorable! Secondly, my daughter has a similar personality and I usually don't let her cry that long either. I tried it once and she cried over an hour and still didnt stop. Never again
right. If mine cries, 95% of the time something is wrong.
Thank you so much! Same for me too, after that one time I never let him go that long again. I felt so bad.
CIO isn't about letting your child cry when something is WRONG. Do people really believe that??
CIO has worked well for us. DD sleeps through the night, 11 hours. UNLESS something is wrong. Though she will occasionally wake up and then soothe herself back to sleep within a few minutes (or within 30 seconds!). Otherwise, I can tell from her cry that something is wrong so I go in to take care of her.
I do know one mom who's son is 4 days older than my DD. He doesn't STTN. She has never done any sleep training. Must suck for her but that is the way she chooses to parent.
Fortunatley my DD never cried as long as you have described. I'm not sure what I would have done if that happened. When we started CIO she responsed right away to the sleep training. But I wouldn't let my DD NOT STTN indefinetly without trying everything under the sun, included hiring a sleep expert if that is what it came to.
I get it. But this specific post was for moms that don't use the CIO. I understand already why some women do.
Right there with ya. I mean, I don't necessarily think that something is wrong with K sometimes, but I just can't stand to hear him cry.
eta- I don't care and actually am jealous of people that have used CIO. I wish I wasn't such a baby and could suck it up and do it.
He cried for 4 hours, until he vomited, for a solid week. It didn't get less and less like people say. I couldn't take it. I can't do that to him. But he's always been a high needs baby with dairy/soy intolerance, colic, reflux.
You are absolutely not the only one! We have not ever used CIO and never will.
If you're looking for a community, here's one of my favorite blogs that talks a good deal about WIO:
And here's a WIO group on facebook, if you're interested:
This! We don't CIO. We're not running to his room the second he cries. We give him a few minutes. Sometimes, he goes back to sleep within a minute or so. If not, we get him.
I agree. Some nights I get lucky when LO STTN, other nights I have to deal with him waking up 2-3x a night. It varies, but I'm good with that.
Thank you so much!! I'll definitely check these out.
We haven't done CIO. I'm not against it if that's what works for your family. I would be against it with a very young baby.
DD doesn't sleep through the night, but she only wakes up a couple of times toward the early morning to nurse. To me, that's NBD. We'll see what happens when I go back to work on Monday though!
I do let her fuss when I put her down for her nap because usually it's only till I walk down the stairs and then she's out. It's a different kind of cry than in the nighttime when we put her down. Usually one of us will lie down with her til she falls asleep in the night.
This is exactly how DH and I feel too about 'going with the flow' and when DS gets a little older he'll understand putting himself to bed. We are enjoying our cuddles and rocking right now!
I don't let her cry long either.
DD only really cries when something is wrong. If she's awake in there whining or babbling- I'll let it go. Once it turns into a cry I go in and get her pacifier and if that doesn't work I rock her.
I'm not against it or anything.. I've read a lot of posts on here where moms get mean about it! Yikes. But like I've read on here. DD cries when something is wrong, so usually I go to her just to comfort and soothe her