1st Trimester

no hb

I'm not sure when my lmp but I had and us on Sunday at the er but they couldn't find a hb my hcg levels were 12600 I have another us today still no hb they checked my levels again won't kno till Friday what do y'all think

Re: no hb

  • How far along are you?


  • Were they able to measure anything? The heart doesn't start beating until about 6 weeks. 
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  • I don't think we can tell you anything without knowing how far along you think you are and how far along they're measuring.

    Jacob & Audra - married since 05.28.11
    Emma Kate - born 10.16.03 @ 29 weeks, weighed 1lb 13oz and 13.5" long.
    Ozzy Joseph - born 11.01.13 @ 31 weeks, weighed 3lbs 7oz and 16" long.
    TTC #3

  • All they showed us was the sac and the yolk and the Dr thought she saw the fetal pole but she didn't say how far I was
  • If u know your lmp u can calculate an edd
    Sarah BabyFruit TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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