Working Moms

teachers and moms of young ones-question for you-summertime "academics"

I'll appreciate your feedback here!

We're sending our child (5.5.-will be starting 1st grade in the fall) to a summer camp that is part of a swanky private school (that we cannot afford for the school year!).  The camp is very structured with activities, similar to the school year, in that they spend x time at the library, then move on to free play in the field, swimming lessons, art class, etc.--but no "academics" for the camp part.  There is an available "academic" add on (for an extra thousand dollars-ouch) that includes 1.5. hours of instructional time in reading, writing and math in place of the camp portion in the am.  Part of me is thinking that sounds fantastic, and how great to give her a leg up going into 1st (especially as she's the youngest in her grade-just made the cutoff).  On the other hand I'm hesitating-partly for the cost, but mostly because I'm wondering if that's necessary or even appropriate for such a young child to be forced into academics during the summer, too.  I would think that us continuing to read with her each day and "work" math and science, etc. (we plant gardens,  I'll randomly "quiz" her on number facts and have her measure things when we bake, etc.) into every day life situations would be enough.  I don't want to overload her, but of course, want the best for her.  (I should note she's doing wonderfully in Kindergarten--spoke with her teacher last night and she said her skill set is excellent, so not concerned that she's behind or requires catch up from the year). 

Sorry for the long post, but will appreciate your thoughts--are traditional academics a good idea for small children in the summertime, too?  Or do their brains need and deserve a break? :)

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