1st Trimester

Car Accident

Hey guys I just need reassurance. I was just in a minor car accident it was nothing serious no air bag deploy or any damage to my car but naturally I'm freaking out. I just took a hot shower and now I'm relaxing. I don't feel any pain in my pevic area and for the most part I feel fine. I'm 6w5d and we have our first doctors apt. on Thursday I'm just really hoping that our little sweet pea didn't feel a thing and is nice and safe. Ugh! I feel so careless! Thanks for listening.

Re: Car Accident

  • Ill pray for you
  • You're good!
    Pregnancy discovered at 12 weeks 12/2007 - D&C at 13 Weeks due to partial Ectopic pregnancy/Body rejecting pregnancy. Last Pregnancy - EDD August 2013 TTC Our first miracle baby.
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  • When I was pregnant with my first I was rear ended pretty hard on my way to my 34w appointment. After a non stress test as a precaution, everything checked out okay. Praying for your peace and reassurance.
  • How far along are you? Baby is really cushioned in there so odds are the fetus is fine. The worry is usually related to the placenta [abruption]. Just keep a watch for any spotting.

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  • Ladies, you have given me such reassurance. I woke up this morning and feel fine. Thank you so much for all the support!
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