Hello all. I am currently 8 weeks pregnant and have been bleeding for 2 days now. I am bleeding a dark brown light then a little during the day. Tonight I have felt light cramp feelings. I went to my GP today and he has booked me in for a scan tomorrow afternoon, this feels like years away as I'm worried and anxious about my baby. Has anyone or is anyone going through the same symptoms as I?
Thank you
Re: 8 weeks pregnant with light bleeding and cramps
Just another reassuring story for you -- I had spotting at almost 6 weeks with my first pregnancy. Went in for the u/s the next day (and it DID feel like forever) and everything was fine. We even saw a little flicker of a heartbeat And now I have a 2-y
I will keep you posted x
Thank you for your comment x
I shall update this post later, I'm now thinking positive : x
Thank you for your comment x
This is my 3rd pregnancy and have been fine with both my sons. I'm 35 and maybe a little old fashioned in regards too 'bleeding whilst pregnant is not normal' iv been bought up with that a
I'm totally confused, my scan only detected the baby sack, therefore they said I'm only about 5 weeks, but going off my last period I should be 8 weeks tomorrow. I think I'm even more worried now as i
Well try not to stress too much. The first instance of bleeding in my pregnancy we went to the er. Didn't realize it was completely pointless. The er doc could not find my uterus on the ultra sound. You read that correctly. This was an actual physician