Food & Nutrition

Pre-Natal Vitamins

I wanted to get some feedback on this questions. My husband and I are going to start trying (or get rid of the "goalie" as he likes to put it) in June. I have been taking pre-natal vitamins for the past 6 months and have been told THAT is what I need to be doing. Are there any thoughts on this? Any recommendations on the type of pre-natal vitamins?

Re: Pre-Natal Vitamins

  • I highly recommend New Chapter Perfect Prenatal.

    Food-based vitamin.
    No dyes.
    No unfermented soy.
    No synthetic vitamins.
    Vitamin A is 100% from beta-carotene.
    Daily dose is sp

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  • I took pre-natals before we started TTC, but I honestly don't remember for how long.

    I just used the One-A-Days

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  • I favor the one a day right now with the extra DHa capsule. Just im staring to gag on them now so we shall see how long me taking them last.
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  • I starting taking them 2 months before I started TTC. I still take them since I'm BFing. I take Rainbow Light prenatal and Expecta DHA.

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