High-Risk Pregnancy

40 and Pregnant!

My husband and I just found out we are expecting again. I am overweight, only have one kidney and have Rheumatoid Arthritis so I am told I am high risk. This baby is my fifth and surprise child. So far I feel great with no nausea. Sometimes I worry that I should be sick since I suffered evening sickness rather than morning sickness with my last pregnancy but I really am grateful that I am not sick. I started working out at the gym again in January and continue to go to the gym. I have lost another 2 lbs, 10 lbs total since January. I think the 2lb loss is largely due to cutting out all garbage out of my diet and only eating fruits, veggies, chicken, pork or beef and drinking lots of water. I am 40 and my hubby is 50 so initially we were shocked, but now are really excited about the baby and we have begun the process of removing the wallpaper from the bedroom that we are planning to turn into a nursery and I have picked a color and a theme. I know that I am only six weeks but I worry about complications, bed rest, sickness,heat from the summer, R.A. flare-ups, etc......

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