I CD DS from 4-5 weeks. He's been PT since 18m but still wears a diaper for nap and overnight. Awhile ago I had an ammonia issue which was horrific when using the diapers overnight. I feel like I tried everything and nothing worked so we eventually went to disposables for bedtime. I'd like to get back into it now tho with baby #2 and for him as well since I'll be doing diaper laundry again.
Since I was a FTM with DS, I waited and started CD when I wasn't so overwhelmed with a NB. I went straight to BG elementals and LOVED them.
This time I want to CD from the start so I'm thinking I should get prefolds until this baby hopefully grows into the BG elementals. You agree?
Even though he's often waking dry, I was thinking of buying 2-3 new diapers for overnight and hopefully won't have an ammonia issue this time.
So my questions are:
1. Is it a good plan to get some prefolds, covers, and snappis until this baby grows into the BG elementals? Do you recommend a specific type?
2. What laundry detergent should I use? I feel a little lost since I had such an awful ammonia issue last time (and they still probably have buildup - grrr) I think I was using rockin green.
3. If I order 2-3 new diapers for DS what ones would you recommend? If he does wet, it isn't much so I just want something relatively easy and cost effective that I can wash with the others!
4. Since I never truly solved the ammonia problem - any advice to help make sure they're prepped for my NB?
Thanks for any advice!
Re: Help me get back in the CD game! Few ?'s ...
We have Indian prefolds and snappis and got around 8 or so Thirsties duo covers. I like them because you only have to buy two sizes to get them through to being potty-trained. I bought Aflix and snap ones...Snap for when she's not so squirmy. You might