1st Trimester

1st Ultrasound

I had my first ultrasound this past Friday and it showed that I was 9 weeks four days. My LMP would have made me 9 weeks exact but it read differently. The baby was also measuring already at 1 inch. I think this is going to be another big baby. My first was 10 lbs 1 oz, my second was 9 lbs 3 oz, and my third was 9 lbs. If not, I conceived earlier than I expected. Has anyone else ultrasound been reading differently. And it's confusing how that I'm now in my third month. The math of conception, etc just throws me off.

Re: 1st Ultrasound

  • I was told that the doctor probably won't change my EDD. I pray this baby won't be another whopper but will be healthy. I've never had a CS and I want to keep it that way.

  • It's all very confusing to me too! 
    ~Drew '13~Camden '12~Mihaila '10~Aaliyah '09~Noah '07~

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  • It's not unusual to measure off by a few days. I would not worry too much about size yet. Congratulations on a healthy u/s!
    "And just know that your sun will shine just as sure as this world can spin, and I know you'll find that it's almost time for that love to come 'round again." -David Wilcox "Almost Time"
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  • Me too! Me too! Based on my LMP on Friday I would have been 7 weeks and 3 days, but the baby measured 8 weeks and 1 day.

    I don't get it, but seeing the steady little heartbeat was all that mattered! I'm sure I'll care around 38 weeks and 5 days

  • 4 days is really nothing.  I wouldn't worry about a big baby based on a 9 week measurement :)
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

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