Cloth Diapering

cloth diapers repelling

I use sun babies and bum genius all in one diapers with microfiber and hemp blend inserts. I have an HE washer that apparently is building up detergent. I have done about six washes in hot hot water and I have also soaked the diapers in my tub overnight with dawn and rockin funk and did several rinse cycles in hot water. Theyre still repelling! What gives?!?! what else can I do?? I am so frustrated and am getting ready to quit cloth diapering. I don't want to at all but I can't keep putting a diaper on my baby that leaks every five minutes. Help!

Re: cloth diapers repelling

  • Do the diapers smell as well? What detergent are you using? What is your normal wash routine? Do you use diaper rash cream at all?


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  • I use rockin green. I do use diaper rash creams but they are CD safe and when i use another kind i use a liner and then wash them seperately. I do a rinse cycle cold water then a hot cycle heavy then another cold rinse and spin cycle.
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  • Oh and no smell at all. Never have had a problem with that. Im getting discouraged.
  • From your post, do you have a front load washer?  I don't know anything about them but a post just about 8 posts down titled "Water levels" has some info that might help you.  I hope the build up goes away :/
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  • Yup its an HE. I will look. Thanks!
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