just wanted to say hi and introduce myself! I'm a FTM and due Aug 21 with a girl. I've been lurking here a lot and found the information very helpful so thanks everyone! I am also looking forward to participating in the fails and cocktails once LO gets here since I'll have both I'm sure and I love reading all of yours.
so today has been a very productive day for me. I checked out my local cloth diaper store and went through their cloth diaper class. it was perfect since I had a little background with my research here and knew what I wanted to ask and I got to see and feel all the fluff in person which eased my fears a little and confirmed my decision for pockets. I also just placed my first order through kellyscloset for 4 RAR OS aplix and 1 blueberry OS and might order more later depending what they have since it says they will be adding and subtracting sale items all weekend. so I got 6 diapers (including the free one) for about $15.50 each!!
my questions are with the free $21 value diaper which one do they typically send? if I plan on registering at Target and BRU what should I register for to use as cloth wipes or what has worked the best for you? I've also looked at a few from Etsy but I'm lost there too as far as wipes go.
Re: intro/question/excited about first purchase
Welcome and congrats on your first purchase!
I bought my wipes from this etsy shop:
I have both the single-ply flannel and the double layer flannel + terry ones. They are nice qual
The only time I ordered from Kelly's Closet with a coupon for a diaper >$20, they sent me a Swaddlebees Simplex (which is awesome). They don't always send the same stuff though, so you could end up with anything they have that's over $21... &n