So I went to an eco friendly consignment sale today and scored
A planet wise wet/dry bag
A hanging wet bag
2 kissaluvs fitteds
2 bummis covers
3 AMP hemp doublers
3 charcol bamboo inserts
2 change pads
All euc for just under 70. Now I just have to figure out how to explain it to dh when he gets home from work. Also has anyone used charcol before? These are no on package how should I prep and can they go right against the skin?
Re: Consignment sale score a????
That's a great deal! Just remind your DH how much money you saved vs new.
As for the charcoal I can't help you since I've never used them before, but I would imagine they could be right against the skin and you would prep like any other bamboo. <
Diagnosed with PCOS March '10 - Started 1000mg of Metformin

After 3 unsuccessful Clomid cycles, FSH+Ovidril+IUI+Progesterone=BFP!
Time to make Emilie a big sister!
May '16 2.0: Letrozole+FSH+Menopur+Ovidril+IUI+Progesterone=BFP! first beta-45.44, second beta-148