Baby Names

Which Middle Name?

Our boy name is Logan but we are still undecided on a middle name. Some options we have thought of:

Logan James

Logan Reid

Logan Alexander (This one is my fav but it's kind of weird because DH's step-brother is Alexandre. He does go by Alex exclusively. He lives in a different state and we see him every couple of years. He's not a bad person, but we're not really into naming after people. If we went with this I'm sure he would notice and comment, (like in a "hey, that's a great middle name!" way) but we would just say well I've always liked that name. His mom lives in our town though and she *might* get a big head about it and think we named the baby after him.)

Logan Oliver (This one is really more my pick than DH's because he doesn't really like Oliver that much but he says he doesn't mind it in the middle name spot - still I'd rather we both love the full name.)

Our last name starts with a "B" and is two syllables, so I'm trying to avoid a two syllable middle name. Just as an aside, I love Benjamin but I can't use it because the first part of our last name is "Ben". Which one should I go with or can you think of any other middle name ideas?

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