We just got back from visiting family for a few weeks and we used sposies while we were gone. I've been having more leaks than I remember since getting back.
Today there was a leak after going to the grocery and unloading everything, so DD was probably in the diaper about an hour and 1/2 with a minky and a small hemp insert. Both were soaked, but usually this would be fine for that length of time unless im remembering wrong.
Tonight she leaked after she went to bed and she was in her normal overnight, which is a bumgenius diaper with a joeybunz hemp and a BG insert. But the leak was only after about 3 hours. That time the inserts were soaked in the front (she's a tummy sleeper) and mostly dry in the back.
There were other leaks, but those are the most recent and I actually remembered to check how wet the inserts were. So could she be a heavier wetter after just a few weeks? Or am I just used to super absorbent sposies? And is the overnight issue because of fit or not absorbing fast enough or something I'm totally overlooking? Help please! Switching back to cloth has not been as seamless as I was expecting.
Re: Leaks. Need suggestions