Cloth Diapering

Best Covers for Chunky Thighs?

Hi Ladies - I have been using Thirsties Duo Size 1 on my daughter who is 9 1/2 weeks and 12 pounds.  They have been fine for the most part, but I do have to fasten them looser than I would prefer or they are too tight on her legs due to the cut.

Are there other covers out there that might be better for babies with bigger thighs?  How are Flip covers?  Other kinds?

Thanks for any input you have. 

We are so thankful that our second daughter, Lillian Elizabeth "Lily", was born healthy and happy on February 11, 2013.  We love her to pieces.  

We lost our first daughter, Hannah Grace on May 4, 2011.  She was buried on May 14 during a beautiful service at my home church. We are grateful that if she could not be here with us, that she is healed and whole with the Lord. We look forward to the day when we will get to meet her. We love her so much.

Re: Best Covers for Chunky Thighs?

  • My chunky leg baby does well in my Sweet Pea cover. It was only $11 too at our "local" CD shop (an hour away).
    photo 531db2b9-4d83-4d72-a50b-074d44f8cd51_zps7e3cb247.jpg
  • My Blueberries covers seem to fit similarly to Thirsties but are a little bit bigger, so they might be more forgiving over chunky thighs. When I was shopping for covers, the store owner pointed out that Rumparooz covers seem to have much tighter elastic i


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  • I like how softbums fit on my little man's thighs. They've got rolls, but I don't know how the chunkyness compares to other babies.
    imageimageAnniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We got a much better fit from bummis superbrite and sized thirsties cover on our chunky legged babe. I also really like the BB mini cover all.
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  • imagebuttabean14:
    My chunky leg baby does well in my Sweet Pea cover. It was only 11 too at our "local" CD shop an hour away.
  • I've had good luck with Blueberry Coveralls and Sweet Pea covers.  If you're looking for a pocket/AI2 I second the SoftBums as well.  They are one of the few pockets that don't leave a red mark on my chunky guy.
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  • imageTexasMom7137:
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  • I haven't found a PUL cover that doesn't leave red marks except for Stacinator So Simple covers. They have fleece around the thighs instead of elastic. I don't love them, they do NOT contain poops well, and they are totally fug, but I like them for her no
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