1st Trimester

Maternity Leave Question


Here in FL, we get paid 60% of our salary for 6 weeks and then the next 6 weeks unpaid. You can use sick days to supplement though. How is everyone planning to deal with the reduction in finances? TIA!

Re: Maternity Leave Question

  • I didn't take a full 12 weeks because we couldn't afford it. I took 8 weeks STD (60% of my pay), then 2 weeks full PTO.
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  • I get 6 weeks at 60 per my employer's STD policy. I will take 6 weeks unpaid. We'll just make sure to set aside and extra amount in savings over this summer, when DH is in his money making season, to cover my 3 missing paychecks. I'll just "pay" myself ou

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  • My plan is to use STD (pays 90% for 6 weeks, after a 9 day weight period - comes out to about 4.5 weeks paid), then supplement with PTO for the rest.

    If you don't have enough sick time, then I would start saving now. You'll need extra money once

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  • We can take up to 12 weeks.

    We have to exhaust our PTO first, then after 10 days FMLA will kick in and pay 60% of my salary until I exhaust THAT money.

    So I need to bank 2 weeks of PTO at least, then figure out how much time/money

    "Your truth is different from my truth, and we're both right."

    TTC since March 2013. BFP 4/13/13, blighted ovum discovered 6/6/13, m/c 6/8/13.

    BFP 11/10/13, EDD 7/25/13 - stick little owlet!

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  • Ugh, now I need to figure out how long my sick leave would go for, I'm so bad at math!

    "Your truth is different from my truth, and we're both right."

    TTC since March 2013. BFP 4/13/13, blighted ovum discovered 6/6/13, m/c 6/8/13.

    BFP 11/10/13, EDD 7/25/13 - stick little owlet!

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  • imageteal owl:

    We can take up to 12 weeks.

    We have to exhaust our PTO first, then after 10 days FMLA will kick in and

    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • imageteal owl:

    We can take up to 12 weeks.

    We have to exhaust our PTO first, then after 10 days FMLA will kick in and

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Elmoali beat me to it! Ignore my post.

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  • imageMsCrispy:
    imageteal owl:</s

    "Your truth is different from my truth, and we're both right."

    TTC since March 2013. BFP 4/13/13, blighted ovum discovered 6/6/13, m/c 6/8/13.

    BFP 11/10/13, EDD 7/25/13 - stick little owlet!

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  • Also in FL... I'll be taking 6 weeks at 60 pay and then the 6 weeks unpaid and will supplement however much PTO I can accrue!

    Sawyer Lynn <3 Born 10.11.13

  • I'm in Florida, in a government job, and we don't get paid squat for maternity leave! If you have vacation or other leave time built up, in my company, you'll get to use that for your leave. Under FMLA our job is protected for 12 weeks, regardless of p

    me:40; DH:41; 4/30/12 1st visit with RE; 6/30/12 IUI #1 BFN; 7/19/12 IUI cancelled (overmedicated); 8/2/12 IUI cancelled (cyst); 9/1/12 IUI #2 BFP! EDD 5/28/13; 10/9/12 1st U/S at 7w3d--missed m/c (trisomy 16) D&C 10/19/12; karyotyping results normal!; 1/31/13 IUI #3 BFP! EDD 10/25/13 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • FMLA is unpaid, however you could possibly be paid depending on where you work it's all different and not necessarily state to state. I believe what some people are referring to with getting a percentage of their pay is short-term disability, which als

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  • I work in California. We get 55% of pretax pay under State Disability Insurance (SDI) for 6 weeks (8 weeks if C-Section), then another 6 weeks @ 55% of pretax pay from the state's PFLA. So 12 weeks total. After that, I can use my vacation and si
    Married since 2008 | TTC #1 since 2011

    2 losses: Nov '11 and Aug '12
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    3.4.13:  Holy crap! Surprise natural BFP on cycle #19. EDD 11.12.13
    We've got a peen.....it's a boy! 
    Little man born 11.17.2013 via c-section

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  • I'm in Canada and get a full year - which I'll be taking.  I get $ from the gov't which amounts to about 1/2 my normal salary.  Since I'll not have the costs associated with work (parking, car insurance, etc) and DD will be staying home ($800/mo
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    BFP #1 ~ 1/26/2010 ~ MMC @ 6w6d discovered @ 11w3d ~ D&C 3/16/10
    BFP #2 ~ 4/22/2010 ~ EDD 12/29/2010 ~ Born 12/19/2010 ~ My Rainbow Baby
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    BFP #4 ~ 3/16/2013 ~ EDD 11/20/2013 ~ Born 11/17/2013 ~ Rainbow Baby #2
  • I live in Florida as well and as far as I know I'm not getting ANYTHING during my maternity leave. Are you sure this isn't just your employer? 

    As for planning, I've started stashing 200$ away from each check to have some money. 

    BLAD reppin'

  • Wow FL is a good state for maternity! In SC you don't get paid maternity leave at all. You can take up to 12 weeks off and still keep your job but that is because of FMLA. Emplorers decide how the pay or no pay is handled. My employer makes youbise sixk d
  • Just a note to a previous post, FMLA does not pay you anything. It only protects you from getting fired, there is nothing in the law about being paid for any of the 12 weeks of FMLA. The pay must be part of your state law or your employers practices. <br
  • I'm very lucky, my job has 100% paid leave for 6 weeks and thankfully I have enough vacation and sick time to make up the additional 4-6 weeks I'm planning on taking. I started looking for a new job at the beginning of the year and am grateful for this ve

    Stephanie (32) & Andrew (34) - Married 6/18/09

    BFP 3/23/13 | EDD 12/1/13 | Logan was born 12/3/13
    How wonderful life is now Logan's in the world <3 12/3/13 <3

    BFP 7/20/17 | EDD (LMP) 3/24/17 

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  • I'm in MD. I work in a school and do not get any paid maternity leave, although am eligible for FMLA so can take 12 weeks.
  • In Virginia-  My company's policy is 6 weeks @60% of your salary- unless it's a c-section then it's 8 weeks.  If you have to go out prior to the baby being born (for bed rest or hospitalization) the first week is unpaid and then the 60% kicks

  • imageGhostMonkey:

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