I've been absent from the nest and blogging for a while and now it seems most of the blogs I was following aren't being updated anymore (much like my own). So I know this gets posted a lot but can you all share your blog links and what what topics you mostly talk about? And check mine out too!
My topics include infertility, adoption, faith, marriage and life in general.
Started TTC January 2007
4 failed IUIs, 2 failed IVFs
2012 - Adopted Child #1
2014- Adopted Child #2
2015 - Fostering Child #3
Check out my infertility turned adoption blog: Discovering Joy In The Storm
Re: Looking for blogs....
Check out my blog, www.metholicblog.com (infertility, foster parenting, life, etc) and the website I am an editor for, www.pailbloggers.com. PAIL is "Parenting through Adoption, Infertility, and Loss"
I'll check yours out!
I follow:
Jenni from the Blog
Heather Drive
It's Always Something
The Art of Making a Baby (sometimes I roll my eyes, but it's my guilty pleasure...lol)
This Years Love Will Last
I write (when I have time - which honestly isn't a lot lately) a marriage/relationship humor blog. It's a lighthearted blog about all the funny/annoying and absurd things that happen at my house and with my hubby.
The Hubby Diaries: www.thehubbydiaries.com
Here is my blog: Ninemonthsinthemaking.blogspot.com
I post about all my adventures into mommy hood