Cloth Diapering

Quick-Wool WWYD?

I made this wool soaker for DS that I really want to use, but I'm wondering if I should put elastic in the leg holes before I try it out.  They are gaping a little, but they also come down way past his diaper.  If this was PUL, I wouldn't use it, but I'm wondering if it will work this way because the wool is absorbent.  What do you think?  Should I risk it tonight, lol?

Re: Quick-Wool WWYD?

  • wool can be really loose and still do the trick!  I'd try it out tonight.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


  • I tried it! It worked! I see more wool covers in my future!
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  • Upcycled.  I made it out of a sweater I bought at the Salvation Army using the Katrina pattern.  I even hand sewed it because my sewing machine crapped the bed!  I think it actually came out better hand sewed because I was able to use a bla
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