Cloth Diapering

At the point of switching back to disposables :(

I have been CDing since my son (now 2) was 5 months old and I love it.  I have a great stash built up which is mostly pockets.

When we moved 6 months ago we got an HE top-loader and the pocket diapers started repelling. I tried stripping in every way possible, many, many times, tried multiple other CD detergents and finally stuck with Tide original powder as I'd read it's the only one that has never had reports of repelling.  Anyway, DS finished potty training at that point so I put the problem aside and didn't worry about it until recently when DD started to fit into the OS pockets. 

Some of the diapers worked ok when I started using them again, but now we're back to the repelling and it's worse than ever. I don't know what else to try.  I don't use fabric softener, I used halfway to Line 1 with the Tide, and usually run a bulky cycle for more water, then normal or power cycle  to get good agitation, and at least one extra rinse.  I've tried every combo of cycles possible at this point, though.

I love CDs but we just bought a house and I can't completely redo my stash to another kind of diaper. I can't believe nothing I do solves this problem and I would hate hate hate to go back to sposies but I don't know what else to do.  I changed DD's diaper and clothes 3 times last night after putting her to sleep because she soaked right through.

Sorry for the long post, I am just at my wit's end. I don't understand why others have the same washer as me and no issues. It's a brand new machine and past the return period.

Any advice is really appreciated... :(

DS (7 years old) from FET in 2010
DD (5 years old) from IUI in 2012
TTC 3rd and final!: IUI #1 in progress!

Re: At the point of switching back to disposables :(

  • I have lurked on this board for a while but maybe it is not repelling? Perhaps LO needs a heavier absorbing insert like hemp or bamboo. I don't know what kind you are using since it didn't state. I would try upping the absorbency and see if that is part o

  • I'm on mobile so I can't see if it says how old your DD is.

    If she's young you may just not be getting a good fit yet?

    PP had good advice about absorbency. Have you checked the diapers? Is the insert soaked or is it dry? <br /
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  • Depending on what type of insert your use you could try putting it directly against the baby instead of stuffing.  They would be less sensitive to repelling that way.  If the inserts are microfiber this might not be a good idea though. I have

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  • and you should check your water temp and make sure your waterc is hot enough.  I know I have to use hot or sanitize cycle otherwise my diapers don't come out right.
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  • imagejeapplegate:

    Depending on what type of insert your use you could try putting it directly against the baby instead of stuffing.

    DS (7 years old) from FET in 2010
    DD (5 years old) from IUI in 2012
    TTC 3rd and final!: IUI #1 in progress!
  • FWIW, I find it easier to keep my prefolds clean. It's still much cheaper to get prefolds than to buy disposables. If LO is on solids, you can just tri-fold. I regret my new HE washer too... although our issue was rash, not repelling we never had any


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  • You are technically not supposed to boil PUL or wash in hot water or dry it - you risk delamination.  My feeling is that if the only other option is switching to sposies it is worth the risk.  So you might just want to do a couple and see wha

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  • A washer isn't going to cause repelling. Is it the inserts or the pocket lining repelling? Is the water beading up and rolling off?
    image image

  • I'm with pp. If you pour a bit of water on and it runs off, you confirm it is repelling. With all the washing and stripping you did its unlikely detergent residue because you would've fixed that by now. Is there anything else that could've happened to the
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Could the elastic be stretched out from your older child?


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