Cloth Diapering

Conversations with My Husband

Last night as my husband tossed the plastic wrapper from our cheese in the garbage, he asked me if we could recycle it.  To which I replied, I don't think so.

At that point, he said, well that will be something our daughter will have to deal with.

I giggled at this comment and said, well at least we aren't putting diapers in the garbage.  We then proceeded to try to calculate how many disposable diapers we would have put into the garbage if we potty trained by 2 years old.

Over 5,840 diapers!  And that's only calculating 8 diapers a year for 2 years.  That didn't even factor in the amount you use in the first 2 months when they are a newborn.

I think he was a little bit shocked by that figure.  He was definately glad we had made the choice to cloth diaper.


Re: Conversations with My Husband

  • I've been reading up on zero waste lifestyle.  Not there by any means... but since I've started working towards reducing the waste, we've got our trash down from 6 bags a week to 1/2 - 1 bag a week.  Still a work in progress for sure, but it


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  • We actually have only 2 bags a week. And sometimes we need to take it out due to smell.

    After this little one is born, I'll probably look into composting and start gardening.
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  • imagesarenu1:
    We actually have only 2 bags a week. And sometimes we need to take it out due to smell. After this little one is born
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  • Yep! We love composting. DH has done all the stirring but I like that we made our own compost bin for less than what the turning style would have cost. Plus it's so large we can put all our leaves and grass clippings in it. Which may not be necessary depe
  • We just moved somewhere without garbage pickup, so everything has to be taken to the dump.  I don't think DH realizes just how much trash we would have if we were doing disposables, but he scoffs at how much they cost.  Since we've done CD si

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