1st Trimester

Citrus Lane?

Does anyone here have a subscription to Citrus Lane? I am serisouly considering it, but I want to make sure it is worth the cost ($21/month for 6 months)

www.citruslane.com -Its a box of baby snacks, toys, books and accesories every month appropriate for your baby's age.

Also, if you have it, do you have any examples of soe items you have recieved?






Re: Citrus Lane?

  • My sister gets these! I just looked them up and it looks awesome. It looks like a pretty good deal.

  • This seems really interesting, I'd also like to hear from someone who's received this as well. Is it really worth the money every month?
    BLAD reppin'

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  • Sounds cool.. I'd like to know more
  • I've been getting it for a while. We've received a 2 pack of sippy cups, a Skip Hop lunch bag, books, a tambourine, a stuffed toy, organic lip balm, powdered baby food, a plastic submarine toy for the tub... It's been really great. The new box should be h

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