Ok, so I know this is early to 'worry' about this (I'm 3 months) but I've been reading about weight gain during pregnancy and it has really freaked me out *lol*
I'm a very petite girl (4'11 & 84lbs), I've been this size since forever. Now, I'm not unhealthily thin and I'm not afraid of weight gain. I just don't think I will be physically able to gain the 'recommended' weight. My doctors have told me all my life that I am normal for my size and statue but I switched family doctors bc I moved and this lady is driving me over the edge about gaining weight, even before I got pregnant. It almost feels like she makes it out to be as if I didn't want to gain weight, which is absolutely not true. I eat a lot of fruit and veggies, meat etc. I've just never been a sweets kind of person but not a 'health freak' either. I eat what I want, when I want it.
And I just find it scary that the recommended amount is 40lbs for somebody like me?
Any suggestions?
Re: Weight gain?
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
May Siggy: Baby in disguise
Since you are more than a point and a half under the cutoff for being underweight, your doctor has
I was told 40 with my first but that was 9? years ago. I did think they had changed the recommendation too. I think I weighed 125ish but am a little over 5'10". I managed a whopping 20 lbs. I ate really healthy and exercised. I didn't