1st Trimester

Weight gain?

Ok, so I know this is early to 'worry' about this (I'm 3 months) but I've been reading about weight gain during pregnancy and it has really freaked me out *lol*

I'm a very petite girl (4'11 & 84lbs), I've been this size since forever. Now, I'm not unhealthily thin and I'm not afraid of weight gain. I just don't think I will be physically able to gain the 'recommended' weight. My doctors have told me all my life that I am normal for my size and statue but I switched family doctors bc I moved and this lady is driving me over the edge about gaining weight, even before I got pregnant. It almost feels like she makes it out to be as if I didn't want to gain weight, which is absolutely not true. I eat a lot of fruit and veggies, meat etc. I've just never been a sweets kind of person but not a 'health freak' either. I eat what I want, when I want it.

And I just find it scary that the recommended amount is 40lbs for somebody like me?


Any suggestions?



Re: Weight gain?

  • Keep eating how you are eating.  Eat when you are hungry and make healthy choices like you are.  It probably is not recommended to gain weight by eating junk just for the sake of putting on pounds.  Everybody is different when it comes to c
  • I'm also very petite, 5'2 105 lbs prior to pregnancy. I'm not worried about gaining the weight being my boobs have already doubled in size and none of my pants fit comfortably anymore. I am however worried I won't be able to actually carry the weight, man
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  • Do your best. If you are truly concerned then speak with a nutrionist to work up a meal plan.

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  • imageamberrrjade:
    I'm also very petite, 5'2 105 lbs prior to pregnancy. I'm not worried about gaining the weight being my boobs hav
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  • Did she say the target for you is 40?  Mine has me as the target of 25 minimum.
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  • imageamberrrjade:
    I'm also very petite, 5'2 105 lbs prior to pregnancy. I'm not worried about gaining the weight being my boobs hav
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  • Your BMI, which takes into account your height and weight, is 16.9. A BMI of 18.5 is the bare minimum for not being considered "underweight."

    Since you are more than a point and a half under the cutoff for being underweight, your doctor has
  • I was told 40 with my first but that was 9? years ago.  I did think they had changed the recommendation too.  I think I weighed 125ish but am a little over 5'10". I managed a whopping 20 lbs.  I ate really healthy and exercised. I didn't

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