Cloth Diapering

Silly Question?

Hello there! I'm a FTM, gearing up to CD my newborn. I'm sorry if this question has been asked before, or repeatedly, but I can't seem to find an answer. So, for those that use cloth wipes, do you need to rinse/scrape/spray them in the toilet before washing? I understand that if you breast feed or even formula feed, this is not an issue. I'm more concerned with later, after solids have been introduced. If there is poop on the wipe, wouldn't I need to get that off before washing?




Re: Silly Question?

  • Yes, after you start solids you need to remove the poop from diapers and wipes. I try to spray off anything solid. I find it pretty easy to either spray or swish the wipe around in the toilet. If there's just small flecks on the wipe, I don't bother.
  • imagesarenu1:
    Yes, after you start solids you need to remove the poop from diapers and wipes. I try to spray off anything solid. I


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  • I only spray if they're lumpy. If they're just dirty, they go into the wash no problem.
  • Thank you! I had watched the Cloth Diapering 101 vids, but for some reason, no one ever mentions that you may have to rinse the wipes! I know it seems like a no brainer, but I really just wanted to check so I don't mess it up! :)


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