I just found out yesterday that I'm pregnant! This is my first time being pregnant. Anyways my DH and I are supposed to go on vacation in the next couple of weeks with some family. One family member has been trying to get pregnant since early last spring (like coming up on a year). I feel very bad for their trouble, because I know they want a baby really bad. Anyways I really don't want to tell them that I'm pregnant yet because I'd like to wait until I'm further along. However I usually have a couple of drinks with dinner - especially on vacation. I'm not really sure how to go about this. Especially that I LOVE hot tubs - it's going to be a dead give away. Would it be best to just tell them and hope they don't say anything to anyone else?
I would prefer to hide it, but I don't really know how that will be possible. Any ideas?
Re: BFP and vacation.
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