we had a local teacher get into trouble for asking her high school students to write a paper from the nazi pov. I dont know how the assignment was presented, maybe it was worded in a very crude way and could have been dealt with in a more appropriate manner...BUT I cant see how it is this big of a deal to ask 10th graders to think out side of the box!
I want LO to learn to play the devils advocate, I think that it will be very good for him. I just feel like the school is trying to be overly PC and not ruffle any feathers. thoughts?
Re: another reason that I'm homeschooling
Oh my goodness. That's ridiculous.
I had a German teacher in high school that used to ask us to put ourselves in the shoes of the nazis - what would you do if the government was threatening the safety of your family and had a gun to your head - stuff like that. I think it helped me to grow some empathy and to help mature morally as I had to decide what I would do in those situations.
For Pete's sake. Thank goodness that my kids will have more freedom in their educations (at least for now - until the PC police start invading my home too).
Good Grief!
I agree, avoiding the "PC police" is another great reason to home school.
This is interesting. I think most of history taught in public schools is so oversimplified to achieve the goals of 1. brevity, to be able to squeeze it all in 2. simply enough for the lowest common denominator (a crude description, I'm sorry, but I can't think of a better term) of students' levels to understand/memorize and 3. cleaned up enough to not offend anyone.
You teach them to cite factual support documentation. You teach them to reply to someone with "prove your point with some facts, not just what your teacher told you."
I thought she meant that her husband wouldn't want them going to public school at all after HSing...