How far were you with your first ultrasound and what did you see? I go tomorrow for my first appointment and I hope she will do an ultrasound. I'm 6 weeks 3 days tomorrow.
I had one at 5 weeks, 0 days. All I saw was the gestational sac, going back in two weeks to hopefully see heartbeat. I was under an RE's care and have had a miscarriage, that is why mine was so early. Normally OB-GYN's try to wait until
I've been with my RE (even though this is a natural pregnancy) so I've been going to her every week since my +HPT (10dpo) and have had u/s each time.
1st u/s-(3w3d) just saw thick lining and a big corpus luteum
2nd u/s-(4w3d) small ge
Started TTC Summer 2008~
Started with RE Summer 2009~
October 2010 IUI-positive HPT & beta, c/p~
Natural pregnancy March 2013, m/c at 7 weeks, Trisomy 16~
Natural pregnancy June 2013
Our first was six weeks, one day. We saw a yolk sac and fetal pole, and were even able to see the heartbeat, which had most likely just started a day or two beforehand.
6w2d, transvaginal, and we saw a yolk sac, and little guy. It looked like a very tiny mouse all connected. I also heard the heartbeat at that point as well.
My first was at 5 weeks exactly but only because I started spotting in the Dr.'s office. He told me he really doesn't like to do them that early because there's not much to see (all we saw was the sac). My next one is Thursday when I'll be nine weeks, whi
Aww I will be seven weeks and I believe three days as well when I have my first ultrasound. My nurse told me the first ultra sound is making sure the baby settled in the uterus safely things like that. So that's what I expect to see. Hope your visit goes
I had my first sono today at 5w6d. Saw a gestational sac and a yolk sac. No fetal pole or FH yet. It was a bedside sono in the ED. I'm a bit nervous nonetheless. Repeat beta and official sono later this week. Wish me luck.
9 weeks, saw the heartbeat, and my little boy or girl wiggling all around! My obgyn uses a Doppler at my other visits to hear the heartbeat. I get my next ultrasound at 19 weeks for my anatomy scan!
My first was at 4 wks, not knowing how far along I was. There was nothing there. I was referred to the ER 3 days later due to concern of possible tubal pregnancy. This time, we saw only the gestational sac. It took about 6 weeks before we saw anyt
Re: How early was your first ultrasound?
I've been with my RE (even though this is a natural pregnancy) so I've been going to her every week since my +HPT (10dpo) and have had u/s each time.
1st u/s-(3w3d) just saw thick lining and a big corpus luteum
2nd u/s-(4w3d) small ge
O14 January Signature Challenge: Snow Fails
BFP #2 ~ 4/22/2010 ~ EDD 12/29/2010 ~ Born 12/19/2010 ~ My Rainbow Baby
BFP #3 ~ 6/10/2012 ~ EDD 2/20/2013 ~ HB 100bpm @ 9w3d ~ M/C 7/11/2012
BFP #4 ~ 3/16/2013 ~ EDD 11/20/2013 ~ Born 11/17/2013 ~ Rainbow Baby #2
8 weeks, but I went in early because of a tiny bit of spotting.
I went around 8.5 weeks with my daughter, but she wanted me to come in early to reassure me because of a previous miscarriage.
DD born 07/2011 DD due 11/18/2013
Our first was six weeks, one day. We saw a yolk sac and fetal pole, and were even able to see the heartbeat, which had most likely just started a day or two beforehand.
Yeah, mine at 8
Connor - 12/15/10 Abby - EDD 11/29/13
It was supposed to be at 7w5d, but I ended up going in at 7w2d due to some spotting I was having. All it was was an empty sac that measured 4w6d.
So technically I had it at just shy of 5 weeks. I can have lo
My first was at 4 wks, not knowing how far along I was. There was nothing there. I was referred to the ER 3 days later due to concern of possible tubal pregnancy. This time, we saw only the gestational sac. It took about 6 weeks before we saw anyt