I got my first "oh WOW your gonna cloth diaper" comment lol I guess it had to happen eventually. My fam and close friends nvr said anything but my brother got a new gf, and I posted how excited I was for my cd to come tomorrow n how I got all my laundry out of the way so I can prep w/out having to do any other laundry. Smh she sounded so silly!
Re: well it finally happend....
m/c 2002 7w2d
bfp 9.6.12 | edd 5.17.13 | m/c 9.19.12 5w5d
bfp 10.18.12 | edd 6/28/13
beta#1 10.18.12 - 96 / progestrone 32 || beta#2 10.22.12 - 711 || beta#3 10.25.12 - 2608 DD born 6/27/13
bfp 7.16.14 | edd 3/27/15
beta#1 7.18.14 - 149 || beta#2 7.21.14 - ??
I think it's funny how new grandmothers make assumptions about being on diaper duty. MIL and my mother even get excited about it.
DH and I are old enough that sposies were not an option when we were babies. Both grandmas have been supportiv
Baby 2 EDD 7-18-14
When I was kU a friend of mine who was a nanny but none of her own children and thought she knew it all. She swore that after a few weeks of "poop everywhere" and leaking I would give up. Well, i
I'm soooo glad I didn't tell anyone (except family) beforehand that we were planning to cloth diaper. I knew our families would be on board too, since both my mom and MIL exclusively cloth diapered their kids.
By the time my friends figured
Allow me to play Devil's advocate here. For someone who hasn't been exposed to CDing, it CAN seem odd. I said the exact same thing the first time I knew someone who used cloth. I had never known anyone to do that and it wa
Haha. I hope you enjoyed gloating. I know I do. Hey, if we're going to save the environment, one diaper at a time, we deserve to gloat.
This made me laugh because it reminded me of when we were pregnant with our first and my husband's boss