Cloth Diapering

Disposable inserts

We were initially thinking that we would just use disposable diapers for traveling to avoid carrying around soiled diapers or having to do laundry, but now I'm considering using disposable inserts for our covers instead. I like that they are OS, so I can just have a bunch on-hand instead of worrying about buying sized diapers when we travel. Has anyone tried the Flip or GroVia disposable inserts? How have they worked for you (during the day and overnight)? Are they worth the hassle or do you recommend just going with sposies? Also, if you do recommend the inserts, do they work with all covers? Right now I have 1 Flip, 2 Thirsties Duo Wraps, and 1 Blueberry coverall. I guess that we would still have the problem of carrying around the dirty covers, but I think that I could handwash them in the sink if I needed to. 

Re: Disposable inserts

  • I haven't used the disposable inserts, so I can't help there, but the covers are very easy to handwash. If you were traveling and still had access to laundry for your regular clothes, you could also just throw them in with those, although if they were soi
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  • I tried the Grovia inserts back in November when DS was still EBF and just starting solids. They tended to shift around a little, and they didn't contain the runny poo. During that trip I stopped using the Grovia inserts and switched over to regular sp

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  • The grovia ones I have stick to the cover (like a pad). They fit in grovia and flips. They seemed to work fine, but LO was only 2 months old, with explosive poop, so I mainly used sposies under a cover. We're travelling this summer as well and I plan to u
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  • I have both the grovia and flip disposable inserts. I prefer the grovia ones. The sticky keeps them in place better. And they have a wet proof backing and tend to hold up when wet. The flip insert were softer, but they seemed to rip really easily when wet
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