What kind of sposies do you all use (if/when you really have to)?
I've read other posts that say it's a good idea to use a flip cover over the top of them to prevent leaking, but I would have NO idea what kind to buy at this point. We're most likely going to move in the next few months (>1000 miles away), and we'll either be driving or flying... either way, I don't know if it'll be too much trouble to carry around tons of diapers/wet bags and then have to wash right when we get to our destination. Advice on that whole situation would be appreciated too!
Also, we're entering hurricane season and I'm thinking it might be a good idea to have a backup pack of sposies here just in case...
Anyways... I think I've read about Seventh Generation being good? Other suggestions? Are pampers/huggies/LUVs, etc built better for a certain baby body type? DD is long and fairly skinny... maybe one little thigh leg roll.
Re: Sposies for travel?
I just buy Pampers or Huggies, whatever is on sale. Never had an issue with leaks or fit. DS was an average baby and is skinny toddler.
I feel like a lot of cloth moms overblow how HARD disposables are to try to justify cloth. For most babi
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
We liked Huggies Pure & Natural when we lived in the States. Can't find them here in the UK, but I've found a mostly biodegradable brand here that doesn't have the perfume that the major brands have.
DS has always been a beanpole, and we got
Freshie Girl 9.29.12
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
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Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.
I think my problem is that it's to the point where people like OP assume it's just impossible to buy a pack of diapers and have no issues. Yes, I prefer my cloth diapers, but I've used a variety of brands and sizes and every single one of them has been
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
Please, feel free to find a post where I have hyped any type of horror story about cloth or disposable diapers. I think the most you'll ever find is "disposables don't work for me." I think you'll also find that I don't leave negative feedback on any p
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
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You're the one making novella posts about how disposables don't work for some people in a simple "what disposable brand should I buy for travel" post.
I feel the same way on the bf-ing topic - the horror stories of how HARD breastfeeding is and a
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
I use seventh generation with no problems.
My posts weren't at all about disposables sucking. I was telling you to stop being so pushy with your own agenda. Just because YOU think it's easier to use disposables on vacation doesn't mean you should try to force it down anyone else's throat. Just
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
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Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
We used these for our ov
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
It all revolves around you.